Establishing Status as Kohen
Question: Hi, I have student who is a recent baal teshuva, who has uncertainty with regards to his status as a kohen. There is an indication on his grandfather’s tombstone that he is in fact a kohen....
View ArticleOfficiating at Wedding of Non Religious Couple
Question: I've been asked to officiate at the upcoming wedding of one of the colleges students that participated in our outreach program many years ago. Although the couple is jewish, they and their...
View ArticleKiruv Questions
Question: 1) Can I invite a Jewish girl with her non Jewish boyfriend or would that be condoning her relationship. I feel it would be easier to get her to come over if I invite them together. 2) Can I...
View ArticleMethods of Contraception
Question: MIRENA is a small T-shaped intrauterine system (IUS) which after insertion releases the hormone levonorgestrel (a progesterone) into the uterus. Its mode of action includes prevention of...
View ArticleMistaken Name in Kesuba
Question: Dear Rabbi! I have important question. In the ktuba of a couple we have written the name of choson "ben Avraham". But the choson is not a ger, rather his father is not Jewish. Is the kesuba...
View ArticleChuppah in Conservative Temple
Question: I was asked to be m'sader kiddushin at an upcoming wedding. The parents of both the choson and the kallah are not Orthodox, rather staunchly Conservative. The mother of the bride chose the...
View ArticleAttending a consevative wedding of a student
Question: Dear Rav, My wife and I are in Kiruv. My wife also teaches kallahs. A few months ago my wife got a phone call about a girl completely not religious and unaffiliated who got engaged. Her...
View ArticleLoshon hora to prevent someone sinning
Question: I received the following question from a doctor: Dear Rabbi, One of my patients is a Jewish man from the area who went on a dating service and made contact with a woman who was not Jewish. It...
View ArticleAgunot
Question: A controversy has recently broken out in America regarding the "International Beit Din for Agunot". Several leading rabbanim have publicly condemned their piskei halacha, in particular one...
View ArticleAsher Bara with Zimun
Question: If a chosson vekallah are eating with two female members of their household, and the women wish to make a zimmun, may/ should they include the beracha Asher Bara? Answer: Ashkenazi custom is...
View Articleכתובה של גיורת
Question: האם בכתובה של גיורת כותבים "מוהר גיורתיכי" או האם מדלגים על המילה "מוהר" לגמרי Answer: מנהג אשכנזים לכתוב ויהיבנא ליכי כסף זוזי מאה דחזי ליכי מדרבנן ומזוניכי מנהג ספרדים לכתוב ויהיבנא ליכי...
View ArticleIntimate Gay Behavior
Intimate Gay Behavior Question: B'kavod Ha'Rav, I have seen discussion regarding gay Jewish people where the claim is made that chazal did not prohibit any part of a gay "lifestyle" other than the...
View ArticleAvel Attending Wedding During Shloshim
Avel Attending Wedding During Shloshim Question: What is the proper practice in going to the wedding of close family ( niece-kallah is 27, had a broken engagement 5 years ago) during shloshim for a...
View Articleהיתר פלגש היום
Question: יש מקריים של מבוגרים שיש הרצון לקשר לאשה לא בנשואין בשביל לימוד התורה וגם בשביל לעזור לאשה בענינים של בריאות. יש הרבה ביעות לחתן כדי לעשות הקשרים האלו. גם כן הילדים הרבה פעמים כנגד וגם יש...
View ArticleTemporary Marriage
Temporary Marriage Question: Can you marry someone that you know will end up in a divorce which means for a temporary time? Will the Sheva Brochos be a Baracha Levatella? Binyan Adai Ad? Answer: The...
View ArticleIncomplete Conversion
Incomplete Conversion Question: Is a mal velo Tavel [one who circumcised but did not immerse in a ritual mikva to complete the conversion] obligated to complete the geirut or may he regret and marry a...
View ArticleLoshon hora to prevent someone sinning
Question: I received the following question from a doctor: Dear Rabbi, One of my patients is a Jewish man from the area who went on a dating service and made contact with a woman who was not Jewish....
View ArticleAgunot
Question: A controversy has recently broken out in America regarding the "International Beit Din for Agunot". Several leading rabbanim have publicly condemned their piskei halacha, in particular one...
View ArticleAsher Bara with Zimun
Question: If a chosson vekallah are eating with two female members of their household, and the women wish to make a zimmun, may/ should they include the beracha Asher Bara? Answer: Ashkenazi custom is...
View Articleכתובה של גיורת
Question: האם בכתובה של גיורת כותבים "מוהר גיורתיכי" או האם מדלגים על המילה "מוהר" לגמרי Answer: מנהג אשכנזים לכתוב ויהיבנא ליכי כסף זוזי מאה דחזי ליכי מדרבנן ומזוניכי מנהג ספרדים לכתוב ויהיבנא ליכי...
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